Friday, May 30, 2008

Acceso remoto a una LAN. (Local Area Network).

May 29, 2008.
Steelhead Mobile.

With Steelhead Mobile enterprises can give mobile workers LAN-like access to corporate files and applications no matter where they are, anywhere in the world. With a simple software package installed transparently on their laptops or desktops, all of the powerful benefits of RiOS are available to the end-user.

Steelhead Mobile works by interacting directly with any Steelhead appliance to optimize applications the same way in which two Steelhead devices would work together. At least one Steelhead Mobile Controller (SMC) is required to manage Steelhead Mobile licensing.

For end-users, applications and collaboration work exactly the same - simply much faster. No changes are required to applications or the normal processes that workers are used to. IT managers do not need to make any changes to servers, routers, VPN infrastructure, or any of the other key technology in their enterprise. In fact, IT managers can control whether or not end-users see anything at all (like the Steelhead Mobile system tray icon), or if they want Steelhead Mobile to be completely invisible to the end-users.

Software is pushed out to end-user machines via MSI packages. Using the Steelhead Mobile Controller (SMC), IT administrators control the installation process as well as the configuration policies that determine what optimizations take place per user or groups of users.

With Steelhead Mobile, mobile workers can be more productive than they ever imagined would be possible.

Steelhead Mobile provides simple configuration controls through the software client interface and can be managed remotely from the SMC as well.

Steelhead Mobile

Operating System Windows 2000, XP, Vista
CPU Celeron 1.5GHz
Memory 256 MB
Disk Space 1 20 GB
Steelhead Auto Detection Yes
MSI Package Builder Yes
VPN Compatibility Yes
Wireless PC Card Compatibility Yes

Copyright ©2007 Riverbed Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Wide-area data services (WDS) for your network: Application acceleration, WAN bandwidth optimization, and IT consolidation

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